"The independent voice of sport, representing the interests of sports clubs in Enfield"

Simon Parkinson
Chair of Enfield Sport,
22 Chase Green Avenue,
EN1 8EA                                       

Dear Nesil
The Impact of the Coronovirus outbreak on sports clubs based in Enfield

I am writing on behalf of Enfield Sport to advise of the serious impact that the Coronovirus outbreak is having on many sports clubs in the borough and to ask for the Council’s help in alleviating that impact.

As you will be aware, many sports clubs have had to cease their normal activities and either part close or completely close the buildings and facilities that they are responsible for. This is having a serious impact on the clubs’ financial position, arising from the fact that the income that is normally secured from members, including secondary spend (eg bar income) and from hire of the clubs’ facilities, has significantly reduced. Although it is too early to properly assess the overall impact it is possible that some clubs might be forced to close on permanent basis, as a result of the financial pressures they are currently facing.
In view of the above, Enfield Sport would like the Council to:

  1. Cancel rent payments, where Clubs have Leases with the Council; as from March 1st 2020 to the date when the Coronovirus outbreak has been declared to be over by the Government and the sports clubs can return to their normal activities;
  2. Offer the opportunity to provide sports clubs with financial loans, where they submit hardship claims (supported by relevant evidence), to be repaid over a reasonable period of time, with no interest to be paid on those loans;
  3. Where Clubs request it, cease to provide regular services that the Council charges for (eg grounds maintenance of sports grounds and rubbish collection).   

I look forward to reciving a response on this important matter.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family well at this difficult time. 
Yours sincerely


Simon Parkinson
Chair of Enfield Sport         

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