"The independent voice of sport, representing the interests of sports clubs in Enfield"

7pm on Monday 12th June 2017
At Southgate Hockey Centre, Trent Park, Snakes Lane, EN4 OPS


Simon Parkinson Hazelwood Sports Club
Claire Whetstone ECYPS
Graham Birt Cockfosters FC
Arthur Cornish Southgate Olympic AFC
Leslie Cohen Arnos Bowling Club
Chris Gill Enfield Cricket Club
Alan Collingbourne Trent Park Running Club
Roger Dean Northampton Exiles Cricket Club
Liz Moss Southgate Hockey Club
Roger Reed Enfield Town Football Club
John Pugh Cockfosters Bowling Club
Chris Smith England Handball Association
Malcolm Springthorpe Bull Lane / London Federation

Apologies: Ray Gibbins, Catherine Richardson, Vickie Prow, Harold Webb, Ray Waller, Chris Ray,
Mark Hanrahan, Allen Clark.





1. Welcome / Introductions  
SP welcomed everyone and thanked LM / Southgate Hockey Centre for agreeing to host the meeting. All attendees introduced themselves.  
2 Minutes of the last General Meeting on 9/3/17    
Item 4 – SP advised that he had met with Bernie Kelly (Ellenborough Table Tennis Club), who had agreed to help set up and maintain the proposed web site for ESAC. The cost would be minimal and could be afforded from ESAC’s existing funds. SP was confident that BK could do an excellent job for ESAC and advised members to look at the Ellenborough Table Tennis Club web site if they wished to look at the quality of BK’s work.  
Item 5 - SP advised that he was due to meet with the lead Councillor for Sport (Cllr Fonyonga) and the lead Cllr for Parks and Open Spaces (Cllr Anderson) in July.  
Item 5 - SP advised that he had met with officers from the Council’s sports development, planning and property services teams. The notes of the meetings had previously been circulated.  
Item 6 – SP advised that he now thought that the John Lennox formula was no longer relevant, although it had played an important role for a number of years. The more important issue was to make the case that rents should remain low when the Council undertakes its next review. SP had previously circulated current rent levels.  
Item 9 – ESAC is still looking for a Secretary. Any nominations to be sent to SP. All
Item 10 – a social event to be considered immediately after the AGM in October. SP to consider. SP
3 Minutes of the Executive Meeting on 25/5/17    
Item 6 – SP asked all members to consider whether they knew of any companies (particularly Insurance companies) who might be willing to sponsor ESAC (and cover the costs of insurance cover for ESAC Executive Committee members at the same time). All
Item 6 – it was agreed that an increase in the annual membership fees to at least £10 should be proposed at the next AGM. SP
Item 9 – SP advised that the canteen area in the Civic Centre had been confirmed as the venue for the AGM in October.  
Item 10 – it was agreed that the name “Enfield Sport” should replace ESAC. This will form part of the changes to the Constitution that will be considered at the next  AGM.  
4 Draft Constitution  
The following changes to the draft Constitution were agreed:
  1. A description of the powers that the ESAC Executive Committee had to spend the organisation’s funds should be added;
  2. The section on Dissolution should include reference to where the organisation’s funds should be transferred to;
  3. The quorum for the AGM should be reduced to the same number as for General Meetings (ie 10 members);
  4. An annual meeting with the local MPs should be added to point (vii) in section 2;
  5. The term “auditor” should be replaced by the term “independent financial examiner”;
  6. The Financial Year needs to be changed, or the AGM date moved, so that there is time for the accounts to be reported to the immediately following AGM. SP to consider the options further
  7. The membership section needs to include reference to Friends of Parks groups;
  8. The objectives should include a reference to ESAC supporting clubs to develop good practice and sound governance;
  9. The Secretary and Membership secretary role should be separated (even if the same person did the two roles, if the membership role could not be filled).
MS said that he would check whether the London Federation of Sport Insurance cover protected local sports councils in any way. MS
SP to make the changes to the draft constitution and re circulate for further comment. SP
5 Finance update  
The treasurer, Harold Webb, had advised SP that there was approximately £800 in ESAC’s bank account.    







Council Maintenance of sports facilities  
RD and AC reported that the Council has decided to cease maintaining and cleaning the clubhouse they use and is now expecting the clubs using the facilities to take on these roles. This is taking time and resources to deal with, which the affected clubs can ill afford to allocate.


RR advised that the Council no longer cleaned and maintained the changing building in the middle of Enfield Playing Fields. It was expecting clubs to take on this role. There is now a marked difference in the quality of the facilities.


SP expressed concerns about whether tests for legionella were still being done and whether the Council was still going to do the deep cleans that are required from time to time (which clubs can’t be expected to do). SP to contact the Council about these issues.


LC said that the Council would be requiring Bowls clubs in the borough to maintain their own greens from next year. MS advised that this approach had resulted in virtually all bowling clubs in Haringey closing. It seemed as if the picture was the same in Barnet.


SP and LC agreed to arrange a meeting with all Bowls clubs in Enfield to discuss their future viability and sustainability if these changes come in to effect.


The Council’s maintenance of sports pitches was mentioned by several members, including a decline at Bramley Road, Firs Farm and Enfield Playing Fields. There is also a concern about reduced use of playing fields, which Members believe is partly down to the cost and quality of facilities. This, in turn, makes it easier for the Council to justify selling off the land for housing or other forms of development. 


SP will try to obtain a map of all the playing fields and sports pitches in the borough, including any land with covenants placed on it. SP would also try to find out the latest position with regard to the borough’s Playing Pitch strategy. 


CW said that ESAC should try to assess the health and social care impact of sports clubs closing, if that is what happens as a result of increased charges and /or costs being transferred from the Council to clubs.


7 Significant Issues facing individual sports clubs  
The Minchendon Association are facing a 5 fold increase in their rent as a result of the increased value of the property that they Lease from the Council, following investment by the club a number of years ago. The Association will be talking to Cockfosters FC., who faced a similar situation a couple of years ago and negotiated a “deal” with the Council.  
It is not clear how many other clubs are facing the same issues, where they have invested in the past and will face steep rises in rent in the future (putting the future of the club at risk). It is believed that the Winchmore Hill Sports Club and the Trust managing the Walker Ground are facing a similar situation (but this needs checking). SP to ask Members if they wish to join a sub group of ESAC, to consider this issue further. SP
LM advised that the redevelopment of the former Middlesex University site at Trent Park site would result in the demolition of the sports hall, but the tennis courts were being refurbished and the outdoor swimming pool would remain.  
AC expressed concern about the charges that the Council is seeking to impose for a fun run on June 25th. SP advised that he had commented on the need to keep community sports events free of charge (as part of ESAC’s response to the draft Parks Events Strategy) and that the government was consulting on a similar approach, which had been passed on to the Council by SP.  
MS mentioned the ongoing concerns about the future of Bull Lane playing fields. SP said that this would be raised when he met with the lead Councillors in July. SP
8 AOB  
LC mentioned the potential disposal of the ground where Old Totts rugby club used to play. He is concerned the site might be redeveloped if no other sports club takes on the ground. RR mentioned that some football clubs are looking for a home ground. SP agreed to send RR details, so they can be forwarded on. SP said he would also alert the London Playing Fields, in case they weren’t aware. SP
9 Date of next meeting  
It was agreed that the next ESAC General Meeting would take place at the Enfield Cricket Club on Wednesday 20th September, starting at 7.30pm. SP and CG would liaise to confirm arrangements. SP/CG
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