"The independent voice of sport, representing the interests of sports clubs in Enfield"
7.30pm on Wednesday 05th December 2018 Committee Room 2,
Enfield Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield Town, EN1 3ES
Simon Parkinson Chair
Harold Webb Treasurer
Claire Whetstone ECYPS
Leslie Cohen Arnos Bowling Club
Malcolm Springthorpe Bull Lane / London Federation of Sport
Marianne Page Enfield Drill Hall
Filiz Fernandez London Lions Handball Club
Chris Smith England Handball Association

Apologies - Bernie Kelly (Membership Secretary), Graham Bint, Liz Moss, Mike Lynch,, Hannah Robson, Montel Douglas, Sue Roedel, Chris Gill, Alan Collingbourne, Peter Gilbert

1. Welcome / Introductions Action
SP welcomed everyone and thanked Enfield Council for hosting the meeting. All attendees introduced themselves.  
2 Minutes of the last General Meeting on 9/10/18  
SP congratulated the Enfield Drill Hall Committee on their recent success in securing funding to help renovate the Drill Hall.  
SP to again raise the issue of how to manage traveller incursions with Enfield Council. SP
Claire advised that 2020 will mark 50 years of twinning with Gladbach. A discussion on possible celebration ideas took place.  
3 Finance Update  
To be covered in the AGM.  
4 Update on Enfield Sport Membership 2018  
14 affiliations have now been received which is disappointing when compared to the previous year's total. LC asked if clubs were aware of what they would receive in return for their affiliation? SP advised this was covered on the web site, but more marketing of the benefits was needed.  All
A discussion took place with reflections on the past, current issues and consideration of what might help e.g. better marketing. A start has been made with commissioning the website and creation of membership forms, but pro-active marketing is constrained by the fact that resources are limited.  
There is the possibility to bid for funding e.g. from the Enfield Strategic Partnership but a proposal and budget is needed. Ideas welcomed, please get in touch. All
SP to contact the clubs who haven’t joined to ask what would encourage them to sign up. SP
5 Web Site update  
Club photos and articles are still needed and should be sent to BK. All
Claire mentioned the achievements of Montel which could be highlighted on the web site. All
6 Funding Opportunities  
SP gave a brief explanation of the Mayor’s Sport Strategy and the funding that will be available for sports initiatives that bring communities together and promote social cohesion.  
The Mayor of London will fund 4 pilots across London (up to £250k available). Enfield Sport did not have the resources to submit a bid but could be part of a joint bid led by a strategic body, such as Enfield Council.    
SP had met the Leader of the Enfield Council since the last Enfield Sport General Meeting: one of her top priorities is social cohesion. Areas where a bid might be successful are in the east of the borough, perhaps incorporating Edmonton and  north Tottenham.  
CW gave feedback on two bad experiences she had had where, after putting in a lot of work on bids, she found in the final analysis that her ideas had been used by others. SP said to safeguard against this he was adopting a different strategy.  
SP informed that there was support for a basketball club in the east of the borough.
The idea of doing a funding awareness event in 2019, to which all sports clubs could be invited, was muted.
A discussion took place as to how clubs could be helped, or could help themselves and the concept of sports clubs partnering with charities was put forward by CW.  
7 Feedback from the last Enfield Leisure and Cultural Partnership Board meeting  
There has been a change in personnel and it was not clear who in the Enfield Cabinet is the Lead Member for sport or culture. SP
8 Significant Issues facing individual sports clubs / AOB  
HW (Ellenborough TT & Winchmore Hill Cricket Club) advised that he would be meeting further with Council officers regarding lease issues.  
LC (Arnos Bowls Club) no further comments.  
FF (London Lions Handball Club) gave a brief report of the success of a Handball course at Latymer School.  
CS (England Handball) advised that other secondary schools in Enfield are investing in the sport and there is some interest in arranging competitions for schools. CS asked for support in meeting Paula Fellgate (PF) re: Schools Competitions. CS said Enfield Sport should find out what sports competitions and /or championships are organised for young people in Enfield. It was agreed that SP & CS would arrange to meet with PF. SP/CS
Malcolm (Bull Lane / LFSR) spoke on Bull Lane and the importance of monitoring  the situation.  
MP (Drill Hall) reported that the priority is to resolve the Lease issue.  
9 Date of next meeting.  
To be confirmed.  
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