Action |
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Welcome / Introductions |
SP welcomed everyone and thanked HW / Winchmore Hill Sports Club for agreeing to host the meeting. |
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Update on ESAC Memberships |
HW to make contact with the Middlesex Rifle Club, to see if they wanted to continue paying an annual subscription. |
HW |
HW to complete Membership forms on behalf of Ellenborough TTC and Winchmore Hill Sports Club. HW has paid both of these clubs' membership fees for 2017. |
HW |
MS paid the membership fee for Community Action Sport (£5 given to HW). |
GB paid the membership fee for Cockfosters FC (£5 given to HW). |
SP to email LC a blank membership form to LC so he can complete on behalf of Arnos Bowls Club. |
SP to email a blank membership form to GB and MS so they can complete on behalf of Cockfosters FC. and Community Action Sport respectively. |
SP |
HW to check if Cockfosters Bowls Club have paid their membership fee. |
HW |
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ESAC Executive Committee Minutes 19/9/17 |
SP to seek a further update on the Old Totts RFC site and the Pasteur Gardens site from Keith Hellen (Council). The Old Totts RFC site has been leased to the "British Alevy Association" but it is not clear whether the changing rooms will be retained in the club house and whether the playing fields will remain available for community use. |
SP |
SP advised that Bernie Kelly had agreed to undertake the Membership Secretary role. It was agreed that SP would contact CR to see if she might be prepared to take on the Secretary role again, now that a Membership Secretary is to be appointed. |
SP |
SP to ask BK if he would also be willing to produce Newsletters at some future point in time. It was agreed that Enfield Sport should try to distribute monthly newsletters, as from January 2018, subject to resources being available to do that.
It was agreed that the Newsletter should focus on strategic, borough wide issues, rather than focusing on issue facing individual clubs. |
SP |
MS to send SP information about the Bull Lane Campaign. MS stressed that LBE needs to support the "Park Life" scheme that is being progressed by Haringey Council, Community Action Sport and the Weir Hall Residents Association. This support needs to be included in Enfield's Playing Pitch Strategy. |
MS |
SP advised that he had still not received the Council's draft Playing Fields Strategy, despite several requests to be sent it and agreement from senior officers that he could receive it. SP will write direct to Cllr Anderson if he does not receive the document in the near future. |
SP |
SP to invite leading MPs and lead Cllrs to the ESAC AGM in December. |
SP |
HW to make contact with "Perkins" Insurance to see if they will sponsor Enfield Sport by providing free Insurance Cover, to cover the organisation if claims are made against it by third parties who are not happy about Enfield Sport campaigns or opposition to specific development proposals. HW to liaise with LC about this and other options if "Perkins" do not respond favourably. |
HW |
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Finance Update |
HW advised that ESAC currently had approx. £670 in it’s bank account. |
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Loss of Sports Facilities in Enfield |
SP asked for comments on the latest draft of the paper he has produced on the historical loss or closing of sports facilities in Enfield (indoor and outdoor).
MS said that Tatem Park cycling track was being used. |
All |
GB mentioned the loss of the athletics and football facilities at Broomfield Park. |
SP advised that he would be producing a list of new facilities that have been built in Enfield, to set alongside the paper highlighting the loss of facilities. |
SP |
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Enfield Council meetings |
SP said that he had met with James Rolfe, a member of Enfield Council's senior leadership team and the senior officer with responsibility for financial matters. SP raised two main issues: his request to be given a chance to comment on the draft Playing Pitch strategy (JR agreed he should be given a copy of the draft document) and the financial support that was needed to kick-start the development of Basketball in Edmonton. |
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Revised Constitution |
No further comments were received on the revised Constitution, so this will be presented to the AGM in December. |
SP |
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Planning for the AGM in December 2017 |
SP said that nominations were needed for the Secretary and Vice Chair roles; plus it would be helpful if someone could take on a marketing role.
It was agreed that members could only raise items under AOB if they had informed the Chair in advance of the meeting. |
It was agreed that SP should book refreshments for the AGM, providing they weren't too expensive. |
SP |
It was agreed that an informal social event should be held at the Kings Head pub, Enfield Market Square, after the AGM had finished. |
A date for the next General Meeting of Enfield Sport, to take place at Enfield Cricket Club, should be confirmed at the AGM. SP to liaise with Chris Gill at Enfield CC. |
SP |
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HW raised the issue of the damaged pavilion at Firs Farm, which was causing Winchmore Hill FC difficulties. |
SP agreed to get an update from the Council on the situation at Brimsdown FC. |
SP |
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Date of next Executive Committee meeting |
The next Executive Committee meeting will take in February 2018 (date and venue to be confirmed). |